Trying to do the peace sign.......!!!!
...& the Barbie Doll?.....what Kakak gets, Adik gets too!!!!.......wink* wink*
Kelaparan bah ni.......after shopping terus dinner @ the Dome, 1Borneo....
That's all folks!!!!!
Trying to do the peace sign.......!!!!
...& the Barbie Doll?.....what Kakak gets, Adik gets too!!!!.......wink* wink*
Kelaparan bah ni.......after shopping terus dinner @ the Dome, 1Borneo....
That's all folks!!!!!
On the same day, we attended Zahlifah Haji Uda & Azlan Shafie Abullah's majlis akad nikah at her parents house.....psssst......they are my parents neighbour.......& she's also my teman sepermainan masa kicik-kicik dulu.........
World Class Caesar Salad (RM11.50)....haaaa this is mine.....I love the salad....SADAP but the portion sikit saja kannnnn......
This is Sofea with her new hairdo......kemas sikit kan.......!!!!
My girls with their "friendster" pose!!!!!
Bye now.....till my next post..........
Heyyy....this is fun....thanks Sharon for the tag!!!!