This morning I notice lil Sofea had a red eye, a running nose & batuk!!!......Alamak!!!....I think she must have got it from the kindy!.....YES Whimsy, the "evil germs" still flying around.....gosh...kesian lil Sofea......tapi she still as active as ever!!!!....Soooo, after sending my Cha to school......we went straight to Damai Specialist Centre to see Sofea's Paediatrician...Dr. Sharon Chan. She's been her Doc ever since Sofea was still a baby. What can I say...she's such a sweet & soft spoken Doc. We wouldn't tukar her to any other Doc, Sofea pun ngam ni with Dr. Sharon. I tell u guys....I've had an experience with "this" the same clinic of cos.....well...."this" Doc is 2 serious for a Paediatrician.....his dahi always berkerut when he's doing the checkup....I always kabak-kabak whenever we goes to see him!!!!...cold sweat pun ada ohhhh......hihihihi.......
I remembered a fren told me about their experience with "this" Doc, u guys know what???.....this particular Doc asked them to kasi diam the baby dulu, baru jumpa him....cehhhhhh.....
Afterthat.......hubby notice that there is a promotion at the blood pressure test!!....hubby insist we have it a go since we were at the clinic!!!....Hubby said that maybe I ada this high blood cos I'd always marah-marah........hmmmmmmmm....BUT it looks like he's the one yang ada high blood pressure....mine normal bahhh....hahahaha!!!!!
While waiting for Cha....we went for house-hunting...mmmmmmmm....just to kill the time..........we went to Taman Klasik...Taman Luyang heart still wants that Puteri Damai or Jesselton Condo....hihihihi.........not now lah........insyaallah........maybe the next two more years to come!!!!
Ok....enuf about that......did u guys watch AF6 concert the other nite?.....well.....I'm surprised that there is no elimination!!!.......what can u is AF!!!!....kezutan demi kezutan.........
When AC announced that Toi yang kena bersorak gumbira sudah.......tapi sekali inda u guys think that there is a conspirasi? ASTRO didn't want Nadia to go out??....she got bottom place kan......lain jua cerita.....punya awful her dress......dia menari pun punyalah bidaaaaaa!!!! that a Harajuku dance?.......& did u guys notice that Paujiah Nawi......kunun berdoa for her students........cheeee....belakun!!!!...I'd actually hate to see her when she angguk-angguk her kepala whenever the pengkritik gives a comment........macam pandai saja!!!!!!
Ok....enuf about Paujiah Nawi.......the overall concert was ok......I think the student pun getting better.......cuma c Nadia saja selalu over......Toi mcm nyanyi di likey that song.......Nubhan....his performance was so forgetteable, I even forgot his song!!!!....Sooo now my question is this......WHAT'S WRONG WITH THE MALAYSIANS???? His peratus went up at the close of the concert!!!!......Riz.....I kesian him....2 sing that horrible song.......YES peeps horrible with a capital H!!!!!.........& Stacy.....U did us Sabahan proud!!!!....cuma baju saja lah.....spoil banar.....macam mau main bola sepak that a Harajuku baju?.......sheeeesh......Harajuku tediri!!!! likey Stacy's version of "Gembira Hidup Ini"...rather then that Farah the Bising Girl!!!!...Stacy sounded nothing like her!!!!
Lain jua cerita......while watching Aishah on stage.......terus I STOP from munching.........LOL.......didn't want to look like her....gosh.......I'm getting there...I think.......
Ok....till then......bye.......
(Post Date & Time: 12th May 2008 / 10:06 PM)
hehehheeh kurang asam.memang scary kan if inda kesadaran jadi macam kak aishah kita.u ingak ka dulu time dia masih keduniaan?punya slim gila!!!!!!!macam mana tu ah!!!
au eh..membari ijap c aishah atu..jauh..palis..jan ko jadi miatu...aga tah ke gym.
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