Hello everyone; This post is long overdue. I have been very very very busy.........ok...here it goes.......
My dear cousin Lis got engaged on the 28th December 2008! It was a beautiful ceremony.....the food were great.......a lot of saudara mara came.........it was very very very hot that day.......my Sofea meragam.........hmmmmmm........ok......u guys just enjoy the pictures!
..psssst....oleh kerana madam sangat-sangat busy that day, gambar2 majlis tidak banyak di ambil!.....so thanks to Lis......cos some of the pictures saya ambil d FB nya!..........
The handsome couple!
Lis flanked by mom & MIL 2 be!
The Hantarans.....
The Desserts.......Noor (Lis's dear auntie) & I were incharge of tis!
The Doorgifts! ........ordered from faye!
Beautiful Hantaran cake....also ordered from Faye!
Lis flanked by mom & MIL 2 be!
The Hantarans.....
The Desserts.......Noor (Lis's dear auntie) & I were incharge of tis!
The Doorgifts! ........ordered from faye!
Beautiful Hantaran cake....also ordered from Faye!
The "babu-babu" sitting area!
waa ini ka anak babu kalsom tu? aduhh she's a princess! punya cantikk! itu tiara bah! punya lawaa!
memang lawa.aku paling suka the susuga.sangat bisai kan.Ada hati juga aku mau pakai, tapi bayukan lah bah kan..............
kak sri, tunangnya tu surname talikop kah? pasal familiar tu mukanya.
Fabmom- au..anak babu kalsom tu....
whimsy- inda bah tu bayukan...ok bah tu!
sharon- yes!!!!...namanya Rozan Talikop Lamsin!!!...u kenal dia?
beautiful maria la sumanya..memang kalu suda babu kalsom plus lagi babu Yan mun bergabung powernya tuh..mcm fairytale terus majlis..chantique!!!!!!!!! yang dulang hantaran pakai glass vase berisi bunga atu dari side sepa? memang class.
welwel-...hihihihihi...tq tq tq....tu dulang kaki vase tu tentulah dari side kami!!!!!
kak sri: ya, val and I kenal abang dia, Rizwan (my batch in SBPS). Tulah muka nampak ada iras bah. Hehhehe...tapi lawa lah korang punya hantaran...kre A tif!
got again ka the pic kak lis tunang ni...inda puas ni tgk bah..hehe..=)
hi shella!!!!....ada banyak gambar nya...tapi dalam FB c Lis!!!...cuba kau add dia ok!!...kakak malas mau upload gambar dalam FB tu...lambat!..bah kau pun ada blog?...berblog lah...best ohhh!
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