Friday, March 7, 2008

Nexus Resort Karambunai (Day 1: 07th March 2008)

Hello peeps!

It's been ages since my last post. Supermom been busy for the whole week, that is busy planning for Sofea's birthday party this coming Saturday (yes peeps...not on the Sunday anymore).

Well anyway, we a now in Karambunai Resort....relaxing. Hubby is in need of a lottttttt of rest! He is soooooo stress out with his work and study!

It is a rainy weather now, so no swimming for the kids. Maybe tomorrow. While checking in just now, Cha is being approached by two Italian ladies! they wanted to take pictures of her and Sofea! They said that we have two "bello" (italian word for beautiful) daughters! !'m sooooo proud, & hey this is not the first time! ...kambang kampis juga lah..hehehehe.......
Ciao 4 now...will post pictures & stories of our vacation soon!

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