Hello again......I've been busy for the past few days.... no activity is going on, so there's nothing to post about!....Well....not until today.......this morning my washing machine is failing on me......my super engineer cum contractor hubby can't fix it...HELLO???....I think he can only fix his building!!!!!......am soooooo stress out with the machine.....maybe I should put in my wishlist....NEED A NEW WASHING MACHINE!!!!!.......but actually its not that..... ROSAK....cuma malfunction on the hose saja........sooooo right now i'm washing manually...I put the hose terus to the machine....hmmmmmmmm!!! Great kan......am now ulangalik from my computer to my machine to checkout on the waterrrrr!!!!....panat SuperShabbymom niiiiii!!!!!....It's Friday...& its spring cleaning time ....I have this maid who comes once a week to help me with the cleaning!!!!........my house is full of dust......need to get out from here ....it's practically giving me a headace...& my nose is starting to gatal-gatal!!!!.....need some fresh air!!!!!
Ok stop blaberring......on the other nicer part....last Tuesday my sis .....Sue ...belanja...us for lunch at Hyatt Kinabalu......enjoy the pictures peeps!!!!
kau ni asyik makan sedap je Sri..maybe basuh baju manually is good for you aaa, kasi buang lemak :) Jangan marah !
ya bah kan..min....exercise sikit...hehehehe...tak marah...
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